
各式飲品、 冰沙菜單     Menu with a wide range of drinks and smoothie
茶品系列 Tea series 特調奶茶系列 Special milk tea series
錫蘭紅茶 Ceylon Tea  錫蘭奶茶  Ceylon milk tea 
阿薩姆紅茶  Assam tea  菊花普洱奶茶  Chrysanthemum Pu'er milk tea 
特調紅茶 Special black tea 特調奶茶  Special milk tea 
伯爵紅茶  Earl Grey Tea  阿薩姆奶茶  Assam milk tea
茉莉綠茶  Jasmine Green Tea  伯爵奶茶  Earl milk tea 
玄米綠茶  Brown rice green tea  茉香奶茶 Jasmine milk tea 
油切綠茶 fat-reducing green tea  玄米奶茶  Brown rice milk tea 
日式抹茶  Japanese Green Tea (Matcha)  日式抹奶茶  Japanese Green Tea (Matcha) with milk 
高山烏龍  Oolong  碳焙烏龍奶茶  Carbon roasted oolong tea with milk 
碳焙烏龍  Carbon baking Oolong  烏龍綠奶茶  Oolong green tea with milk
烏龍綠茶  Oolong green tea  阿華田  Ovaltine 
四季青茶  Holly leaf tea  焦糖奶茶  Caramel milk tea
高山青茶  High-Mountain Green Tea  巧克力奶茶  Chocolate milk tea 
菊花普洱  Chrysanthemum Puer 日式烤奶茶  Japanese roasted tea with milk 
日式烤茶  Japanese roasted tea  冰沙系列  Smoothie Series
調味飲料 Flavored drinks with tea  柳橙冰沙  Orange smoothie 
百香紅茶 Black Tea with passion fruit  水蜜桃冰沙 Peach smoothie 
檸檬紅茶 Lemon tea  藍莓冰沙  Blueberry Smoothie 
檸檬梅子 Lemon Plum tea  芒果冰沙  Mango ice sand 
金桔檸檬  Kumquat lemon  百香果冰沙  Passion Fruit Smoothie 
梅子綠茶  Plum Green Tea  草莓冰沙 Strawberry smoothie 
水蜜桃綠茶  Peach green tea 哈密瓜冰沙  Cantaloupe smoothie 
蜂蜜綠茶  Honey Green Tea  香檳葡萄冰沙  Champagne Grape Smoothie 
蜜茶  Honey tea  巧克力冰沙  Chocolate Smoothie 
冬瓜青茶 Melon green tea 焦糖冰沙 Caramel smoothie
葡萄柚綠茶 Grapefruit green tea 冬瓜冰沙  Melon tea smoothie 
多多綠茶 Green tea with Yakult 雪泡系列  milkshake Series 
冬瓜仙草凍 Melon tea with grass jelly 藍莓雪泡  Blueberry milkshake 
柳橙汁 Orange juice 草莓雪泡  Strawberry milkshake 
抹茶多多 Japanese Matcha with Yakult 百香果雪泡 Passion fruit milkshake 
水蜜桃汁 Peach juice 柳橙雪泡  Orange milkshake 
風味果茶 Flavored fruit tea 芒果雪泡  Mango milkshake 
百香綠茶 Passion Fruit Green Tea 香檳葡萄雪泡 Champagne grape milkshake 
梅子紅茶 Plum tea 抹茶雪泡 Japanese green teak milkshake 
奶蓋系列  Milk-froth series  巧克力雪泡 Chocolate milkshake
奶蓋紅茶  Milk-froth black tea  水蜜桃雪泡 Peach milkshake
奶蓋綠茶 Milk-froth green tea  焦糖雪泡 Caramel milkshake
奶蓋烏龍  Milk-forth Oolong  冬瓜雪泡 Melon tea milkshake
奶蓋咖啡  Milk-forth coffee  拿鐵咖啡雪泡 Latte milkshake
奶蓋冬瓜  Milk-forth melon tea  桂圓雪泡 Longan milkshake
奶蓋焦糖 Milk-forth caramel 輕食系列 Snack Series
奶蓋抹茶 Milk-forth Japanese Green Tea (Matcha) 鹽酥雞 Popcorn chicken
奶蓋普洱 Milk-forth Pu'er tea 香雞排 Deep fried chicken breast
奶蓋烤茶 Milk-forth roasted tea 地瓜薯條 Sweet potato fries
養生茶系列 Health tea series 脆皮爆漿雞蛋糕  Crispy pulp spurted chicken pie 
薑母茶 Ginger Tea    
桂圓紅棗茶 Red dates longan tea    
薑汁撞奶 Ginger milk jelly    
桂圓撞奶 Longan milk jelly    
薑母桂圓茶 Ginger longan tea    


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